This scholarly volume provides a comprehensive examination of the ethical and strategic dimensions of organisational and public communication in the contemporary era, characterised by digital…
This book offers a compelling exploration of how media shape cross-cultural communication in an increasingly globalized world. It covers diverse cultural contexts, examining indigenous perspectives…
O que sobressai é o consenso a que chegámos na defesa da nossa base: o quadro de valores do jornalismo. Coincidimos no diagnóstico e alinhámo-nos…
Este livro reúne os resultados do projeto “Academia da Leitura do Mundo: o Jornalismo, a Comunicação e Eu”, cuja equipa propôs seguir uma metodologia experimental…
As obras de síntese oferecem visões panorâmicas e sistemáticas sobre determinados fenómenos, sendo de fundamental importância para todas as ciências, mas particularmente para as Humanidades…
This is the first book of the Online Hate Speech Trilogy. It focuses on the relationship between disinformation, political polarisation, and virtual attacks involving toxic…
This is the second book of the Online Hate Speech Trilogy. The work focuses on the legal challenges of combating toxic language and retaliating against…
This is the third book in the Online Hate Speech Trilogy. It focuses on presenting methods for detecting, analysing, and combating toxic language on the…
Matter, in its classical sense, is that amorphous mass from which our world gains physical existence. Wood and metal matter began by materializing typographic forms,…
No âmbito do protocolo estabelecido entre a Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) e a ERC – Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social, em maio de…