
Throughout the history of motion pictures we have witnessed a complex debate around the reciprocal relationship it establishes with other arts, that is mostly defined by creative efforts and experimental gestures in both domains, permeated by the dialogic quality of how those other arts express themselves in cinema and the latter transmutes into the former. From advocating the aesthetic value of a moving image to more hybrid forms built on new benchmarks, cinema dwells on a constantly reciprocating relationship with other arts which takes up many forms, whether because there is tension among them and one is present in the other, or ultimately because borders are blurred. This is a research field that can count on methodological processes capable of structuring scientific discourse due to the operational possibilities of intertextuality and artistic creation’s dialogic quality.
The international meeting Cinema and other Arts will take place for the first time at Universidade da Beira Interior on 28-29 September 2017. Its main focus is to promote the debate/reflection around current issues related to the dialogue between different art forms whose point of contact is the cinema. Seeking to provide interdisciplinary and intercultural reading possibilities, researchers from several scientific areas currently engaged with these issues, albeit in different disciplinary domains or research stages, are invited to participate, especially from the areas of Film Studies, Art Studies and Cultural studies


Thursday, 28 September, 2017

Panel 1 – Sonoridades no Cinema
Chair – Elsa Aleluia
9.30 - 11.00 | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Fábio André dos Santos Martins - Experiência fenomenológica minimalista no cinema – Godfrey Reggio e Philip Glass
Filipa Magalhães - "A música já não pode viver mais sozinha". Diálogos entre música e cinema na obra de Constança Capdeville
Guillaume Bourgois - Ludwig (1972) de Luchino Visconti, ou o terrível (en)canto dos cisnes wagnerianos
Panel 2 – Cinema e Dança
Chair – Rita Bastos
9.30 - 11.00 | Room 2.02
Daniel Tércio - Dançando entre a performance de objetos e a fisicalidade de Monsieur Hulot
Juan José Domínguez López – El documental sobre Danza: Pina y Win Wenders dentro del escenario
Leonel Borges Brum - Videodança: um conceito mutável
Miguel Moreira Rodrigues - A Música e a Dança ao serviço de Judy Garland enquanto Ícone Gay
Panel 3 – Cinema e Fotografia
Chair – Maria João Cortesão
9.30 - 11.00 | Room 2.03
Alfonso Palazón Meseguer - La voluntad de estilo en el proceso del ensayo audiovisual
Eduardo Brito) - Um Storyboard Involuntário: as fotografias de Nils Strindberg (1897) e os casos de Ingenjör Andrees luftfärd e En Frusen Drom (Jan Troell, 1982 e 1998)
Susan Felleman) - A parenthetical story about art: between the lines of Hollis Frampton’s (nostalgia)
Panel 4 – Cinema e Filosofia
Chair – Fátima Chinita
9.30 - 11.00 | Sala dos Conselhos
Chantal Poch i Rodrigo - Edenes modernos: la naturaleza como metáfora fílmica del origen perdido
Diogo Nóbrega - Corpus: Aproximações da Performance e do Cinema
Paulo Alexandre e Castro - Rethinking human condition from Dogville (Lars Von Trier) with philosophy in the background
11.00 – 11.30 COFFEE - BREAK
Panel 5 – Cinema e Literatura
Chair – M. F. Costa e Silva
11.30 – 13.30 | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
André Laender Pita - Análise da transformação do narrador na adaptação cinematográfica do livro O amor nos tempos de cólera
João Evangelista do Nascimento Neto - O Auto da Compadecida invade o cinema: uma análise dos processos de adaptação, direção e montagem da obra de Guel Arraes
Rui Pires - Avatares do mito de Electra em obras artísticas contemporâneas
Sérgio Bordalo e Sá - A ideologia do Estado Novo e os clássicos da Literatura: A visão de Lopes Ribeiro
Panel 6 – Cinema e outras Artes
Chair – Luís Nogueira
11.30 – 13.30 | Room 2.02
Henrique Muga - Outras Artes no Cinema de João César Monteiro
Mariana Veiga Copertino F. da Silva – Cinema, Pintura e Literatura: o diálogo entre artes sob a ótica de Manoel de Oliveira
Panel 7 – Dialética das Artes na História do Cinema
Chair – Alfonso Palazón
11.30 – 13.30 | Room 2.03
Ana Isabel Albuquerque - Uma perspetiva ilustrada de fragmentos da vida e obra de François Truffaut. O caso Paula Bonet.
Bruno Grimm - The alteration of storytelling in Italian Cinema with reference to the visual arts
Paula Pires da Silva - Stromboli: a jornada do herói e as estruturas do imaginário no neorrealismo italiano de Rossellini
Renata Ferraz - As Diferentes Facetas da Sombra no Cinema de Max Ophuls
Panel 8 - Vanguardas artísticas
Chair – Juan José Domínguez López
11.30 – 13.30 | Sala dos Conselhos
Elsa Aleluia - Uma hipótese de revolução, experimental, conversa com Ernesto de Sousa e Ana Hatherly a partir de Almada, Um Nome de Guerra, Revolution my Body n. 2, e Revolução
Steven Jacobs - Le Monde de Paul Delvaux (1946), Pygmalionism, and the Surrealist Art Documentary
Vito Adriaensens - The Forgotten Avant-Garde: Symbolism in Early Cinema
13.30 - 14.30 LUNCH
15.00 PLENARY SESSION| Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Daniel-Henri Pageaux - Da palavra à imagem permanece o mistério da música - Sobre a adaptação fílmica de "Tous les Matins du Monde", romance de Pascal Quignard | Chair – Anabela Branco de Oliveira
16.30 Filme e debate | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Zeus, de Paulo Filipe Monteiro | Chair - Liliana Rosa
19.00 Book presentation | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Screening Statues: Sculpture and Cinema, Vito Adriaensens/Susan Felleman/Steven Jacobs | Rita Bastos

Friday, 29 September, 2017

Panel 9 – Cinema e Literatura
Chair – Henrique Muga
9.30 - 11.00 | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Luís Carlos Pimenta Gonçalves - João Botelho: um certo olhar sobre a Literatura
Maria José Figueiredo - Autoridade e não-violência em To kill a mockingbird, de Harper Lee/Robert Mulligan
Paulo Jorge Augusto Matos - Capuchinho Vermelho: lupificação da mulher ou a dupla face da loba
Panel 10 – Cinema e Artes Performativas
Chair – Rita Bastos
9.30 - 11.00 | Room 2.02
Fátima Chinita - “Roy Andersson’s Tableau Aesthetic: A Cinematic Space between Painting and Theatre”
José Alberto Ferreira - A seguir: entre cinema e performance
José Manuel Martins - Intermedia do morto: sobre a remediação gueriniana da figuração do feminino como espectro da ausência
Samara Azevedo de Souza - O corpo em diálogo com a câmera: a videoperformance em estudos de caso
Panel 11 – Cinema e Filosofia
Chair – Nelson Araújo
9.30 - 11.00 | Room 2.03
António Júlio Rebelo - "Five Dedicated to Ozu" de Kiarostami: a poética das imagens sem tempo
M.F.Costa e Silva - Far beyond the framework - Deleuze’s concept of out-of-field and interceptions between the cinema of Ozu and Canijo
Vanessa Mendes Martins - D’O Sabor da Cereja de Abbas Kiarostami à insípida existência de Albert Camus
Panel 12 – Conjeturas Artísticas
Chair – Carlos Alberto de Matos Trindade
9.30 - 11.00 | Sala dos Conselhos
Anabela Branco de Oliveira - Cinema, Pintura e Van Gogh: a essência do “não-citável”
Luís Nogueira - O cinemático e o poético: escassez e intensidade
Miguel Errazu - Ecologías del cine: poéticas del trabajo en los proyectos audivisuales de Pierre Huyghe
Raquel Pacheco - Estratégias, Metodologias e Ferramentas para que crianças e jovens apreciem o cinema europeu e transformem-se em audiências ativas
11.00 – 11.30 COFFEE - BREAK
Panel 13 – Cinema e Literatura
Chair – Maria José Figueiredo
11.30 – 13.30 | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Elisabete Marques - Dar a palavra. Sobre Veredas de João César Monteiro
Francisco Ricardo Cipriano Silveira - Synecdoche, New York: O Filme Pela Figura
Kathryn Bishop-Sanchez - Screening Madame Bovary (1949): “A Monstrous Creation” of “Degenerate Imagination”?
Maria do Socorro Aguiar Pontes Giove - L’amant de la Chine du Nord (1991): novo gênero discursivo entre cinema e literatura
Vítor Ferreira - Um adeus à linguagem: solidão e distância em Jean-Luc Godard e Rui Nunes
Panel 14 – Cinema e Artes Plásticas
Chair – Ana Catarina Pereira
11.30 – 13.30 | Room 2.02
Ana Sécio - Uma objetiva num Museu em Luanda e a perseguição da Palanca Negra Gigante em fuga
Carlos Alberto de Matos Trindade - Pintura, Fotografia e Cinema: as imagens cinematográficas e as referências picturais no tratamento da cor e da luz
Maria Elisa Coelho de Almeida Trindade - A utilidade do desenho na conceção visual da narrativa fílmica
Paulo Miguel Borges Antunes - O Efeito do Cinema na Arte Contemporânea: a Videoarte
Panel 15 – Conjeturas Artísticas
Chair – Liliana Rosa
11.30 – 13.30 | Room 2.03
Diana Neiva/Steven Gouveia - O cinema estrutural de Conrad: um enquadramento pós-modernista
José Alberto Pinto - Cinema Expandido: origens e contributos
Maria João Cortesão - A comunicação da marca Prada e o diálogo com o espetador: um discurso Inusitado e Surpreendente
Maria Mire - Aparatos disruptivos: a imagem em movimento e os dispositivos artísticos
13.30 - 14.30 LUNCH
14.30 PLENARY SESSION | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Paulo Filipe Monteiro - Nas imagens em movimento, quem dança? | Chair - Liliana Rosa
16.30 Filme e debate | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Tous les Matins du Monde, de Alain Corneau | Chair - Anabela Branco de Oliveira
19.00 Book presentation | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Literatura e Cinema – Vergílio Ferreira e o espaço do indisível, Luís Miguel Cardoso | Anabela Branco de Oliveira
19.15 Book presentation | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Os Pobres no Cinema de Manoel de Oliveira de Renata Junqueira (org) – Nelson Araújo

Keynote Speakers


Daniel-Henri Pageaux (1939)
Professeur émérite de Littérature générale et comparée à la Sorbonne Nouvelle/ Paris III où il a enseigné de 1975 à 2007.
Hispaniste et lusitaniste de formation (Agrégé d’espagnol, 1961, Docteur ès lettres 1975), il s’est tourné vers les littératures francophones d’Afrique noire, des Amériques et de l’Océan indien. Il est co-directeur de la Revue de Littérature comparée et membre correspondant de l’Académie des sciences de Lisbonne.
Il a publié à ce jour une trentaine d’ouvrages : des essais de critique littéraire et de littérature générale et comparée en particulier : Les Ailes des mots. Critique littéraire & poétique de la création (Paris, L’Harmattan, 1994) et L’œil en main. Pour une poétique de la médiation (Paris, Maisonneuve, 2009), des manuels de littérature comparée dont La littérature générale et comparée, Paris, Colin, 1994 (traductions en roumain, macédonien, chinois, arabe), Naissances du roman (Klincksieck, 1995, réédité en 2006, traduit en italien, Palerme, 2003), Histoire de la Littérature espagnole, Ellipses, 2002 et réédité en 2015).
Il a édité le Portugais Miguel Torga (La création du monde, Garnier/Flammarion, 1999) et L’homme pressé de Paul Morand (Romans, collection « La Pléiade », Gallimard, 2004). Un livre d’entretiens a été coordonné par Sobhi Habchi/CNRS sous le titre Les Nuits carnutes (éd. J. Maisonneuve, 1999). Trois volumes d’Hommage lui ont été offerts, coordonnés par Sobhi Habchi, sous le titre Plus Oultre I, II, III, aux éditions L’Harmattan en 2007, 2011 et 2016, respectivement consacrés à la Littérature générale et comparée, aux Littératures ibériques et à la critique littéraire et les Francophonies.
Il a également publié, sous deux pseudonymes, trois romans : deux en français (Michel Hendrel, Le sablier retourné, éd. Belfond, 1989 ; Le système décimal, éd. Belfond, 1992) et un en espagnol (León Moreno, Como fiel amante o la invención del Lazarillo, Madrid, éd. Turpin, 2012).
Derniers ouvrages publiés : Itinéraires comparatistes, 2 vol. aux éd. Jean Maisonneuve, Paris, 2014 ; Lectures indiaocéanes. Essais sur les francophonies de l’Océan Indien, éd. Jean Maisonneuve, 2016.


Paulo Filipe Monteiro
Full professor of “Communication, Arts and Culture” from the Communication Sciences Department of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Founder and Coordinator of the Master’s degree on Performing Arts; Coordinator of the Communication and Arts branch of the PhD Programme on Communication Sciences of the said university. Professor Monteiro has been working in the following areas: drama, show, performance, cinema, Portuguese cinema, scripts for cinema and television, fiction and aesthetics. He has a PhD on Communication Sciences and an Habilitation on Drama and Performing Theories. He was a Visiting Professor at the Universities of Coimbra, Évora, Santiago de Compostela, Federal da Bahia, Federal from Maranhão, Estadual and Federal from Rio de Janeiro. From 2002 to 2006 he was Chairman of the Portuguese Script- and Playwriters Association and founded the Federation of Scriptwriters in Europe (2005) of which he is a member of the Board. In 1981, he was awarded the Joaquim de Carvalho Prize for his book "Drama and Communication" (later published in Brazil by Annablume) as well as the Revelation Prize for Play Review.
He started his activity in the theatre in 1978. In 1981, he was awarded the Revelation Prize of the Critics for his Drama em Gente. Since then, he has written and produced 16 shows. As an actor, he played a part in several plays, in ten national and international films and in 39 television movies and series. He was responsible for adapting Camilo’s The Hanged Man’s Widow, directed by Walter Avancini. He wrote the script of 8 films and a playwright called Risk Area premiered at the Gulbenkian Foundation in 1999. He has also written for dance shows. In 2010, he directed the 25-minute-long film Blind Love (which won the Córtex Festival in the same year, and was selected for the Caminhos do Cinema Português, in Coimbra, and shown at the Portuguese Film Institute in February 2011, at the Museum of Modern Art from Rio de Janeiro, and at the Shortcutz Festival); in January 2017, his first film Zeus premiered (and has already won 7 prizes in Portugal and one in Mombai).

Call for Papers

The organization Cinema and other Arts invites the whole scientific community to the submission of original proposals that are fitted in the dynamic of the event.
The deadline for submission of proposals is May 31, 2017. Each applicant may submit only one proposal.
Papers may be presented by co­authors, provided that at least one of them is registered in the meeting.
All presentations shall last a maximum of 20 minutes, regardless of the number of co­authors.

Proposal submissions:
Please send your proposal as a Word document or PDF via email ( including the following information:

  • Author(s)
  • Institutional Affiliation
  • Title of proposal
  • Proposal for paper/presentation (not more than 500 words) plus five key­words
  • Biography of each author (not more than 150 words)

Final articles:

  • The selected final articles will be included in the event's e-Book, and published by LabCom.IFP.

  1. Author guidelines:
    • The submission is an original and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The articles, as well as the images copyright, are of the exclusive responsibility of the authors.
      Submissions in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish. will be accepted. Submission files are in Microsoft Word. Images are inserted in the text and should be uploaded as supplementary documents (JPEG, PNG or PDF format will be acepted with 300 dpi of resolution)
  2. The article should follow the style standards and bibliographic requisites described next:
    1. The article should not have more than 15 pages and should follow the next structure:
      Title of the article;
      Institution/ affiliation;
      Summary and Key-words;
      Bibliographic and Filmic references;
    2. Bibliographic and Filmic references:
      References must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) system.
      The quotes and footnotes/endnotes must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) system.
    1. Images: Images must be inserted in the body of the text. All images must have numbered captions using the following format: "Image 1: caption content" (No images will be published without caption).
    2. Formatting instructions:
      Title: Times New Roman, size 14, 1,5 space paragraph, left alignment.
      Author/ Institution: Times New Roman, size 12, 1,5 space paragraph, left alignment.
      Summary and Key-words: Times New Roman, size 10, single space paragraph, justified alignment.
      Body text: Times New Roman, size 12, 1,5 space paragraph, justified alignment.
      Footnotes/Endnotes: Times New Roman, size 10, single space paragraph, justified alignment; footnotes are marked by sequential arabic numerals.
      Quotes: Quotations over 40 or more words must be separated from the body text by a paragraph, size 10, single space paragraph, justified alignment.
      Bibliographic and filmic references: Times New Roman, size 12, single space paragraph, justified alignment.

Work languages

  • Portuguese, English, Spanish and French

Important dates

  • 20.01.2017 - 15.05.2017 31.05.2017 – Submitting proposals
  • 15.06.2017 – Information on the selected papers
  • 10.07.2017 – Participants registration deadline
  • 20-25.07.2017 – Program - provisional version
  • 01.09.2017 – Disclosure of the final programme
  • 28-29.09.2017 – Cinema and other Arts meeting


The registration in the event will have an enrollment fee in the value of 40€ for all the participants with a ccepted proposals and who wants to confirm his presence in the event.

The enrollment fee includes: material, coffee breaks, participation and a digital certificated.

Registration is required by sending an email to including the following information:

  • Full name
  • Institutional Affiliation
  • Profession, occupation or frequented course
  • Email
  • Adress
  • Bank transfer confirmation (copy)
  • [For receipt effects please include the VAT number]

Bank transfer information:

  • IBAN PT50 0018 0003 23220304020 89

The residents abroad may also pay the registration fee during check-in procedures.

Note: The event is opened to the whole scientific community, internal or external to the Beira Interior University. Attendance is free without any registration.


Scientific Committee

  • Abílio Hernandez Cardoso
    Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Coimbra (PT)
  • Ana Isabel Soares
    Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve (PT)
  • António Costa Valente
    Departamento de Comunicação e Arte, Universidade de Aveiro | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (PT)
  • Antonio Fatorelli
    Escola de Comunicação, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR)
  • António Preto
    Escola Superior Artística do Porto (PT)
  • Carlos Melo Ferreira
    Escola Superior Artística do Porto (PT)
  • Carmen Peña-Ardid
    Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza (ES)
  • Daniel-Henri Pageaux
    Sorbonne Nouvelle, Université de Paris III (FR)
  • Daniel Tércio
    Instituto de Etnomusicologia | Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (PT)
  • Dietrich Neumann
    Department of the History of Art and Architecture | Urban Studies, Brown University (DE)
  • Francisco Paiva
    Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior (PT)
  • François Penz
    Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge (FR)
  • Jord den Hollander
    Fimmaker, architect and head of the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam (NL)
  • Jorge Gorostiza
    Architect and Urban Planner, Gobierno de Canarias (ES)
  • Luís Nogueira
    Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior (PT)

  • Luís Urbano
    Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade do Porto (PT)
  • Manuel Deniz Silva
    Instituto de Etnomusicologia | Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
  • Maria Da Luz Correia
    Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Universidade do Minho | Universidade dos Açores
  • Maria do Rosário Lupi Bello
    Departamento de Humanidades, Universidade Aberta (PT)
  • Margarida Medeiros
    Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
  • Maria Irene Aparício
    Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
  • Maria João Castro
    Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
  • Mirian Tavares
    Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve (PT)
  • Paulo Filipe Monteiro
    Universidade Nova de Lisboa
  • Paulo Serra
    Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior (PT)
  • Sérgio Guimarães de Sousa
    Instituto de Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade do Minho (PT)
  • Susana Nascimento
    Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
  • Susana Lourenço Marques
    Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto (PT)
  • Tito Cardoso e Cunha
    Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior (PT)
  • Vasco Carvalho
    Escola das Artes, Universidade Católica do Porto (PT)

Organizing Committee
  • Anabela Branco de Oliveira
    UTAD | LabCom.IFP
  • Ana Catarina Pereira
  • Liliana Rosa
  • Manuela Penafria
  • Nélson Araújo
  • Rita Bastos
Executive Committee
  • Mércia Pires
  • Sara Constante
  • Susana Costa
    Web Developer
  • Delfina Rodrigues
  • LabCom.IFP
    Logistic Support




Universidade da Beira Interior
Faculdade de Artes e Letras
Departamento de Comunicação e Artes
Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama
6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal

(+351) 275 242 023 / ext. 1201


Useful Information

By public transport:

  • From Lisbon - train or bus (average journey time: 3:30 to 4 hours)
  • From OPorto - Bus (average journey time: 3:30 to 4 hours)

By car:

  • From Lisbon - Highways A1 and A23
  • From OPorto - Highways A1, A25 and A23
  • GPS: +40° 16' 40.31" -7° 30' 32.30"

