Throughout the history of motion pictures we have witnessed a complex debate around the reciprocal relationship it establishes with other arts, that is mostly defined by creative efforts and experimental gestures in both domains, permeated by the dialogic quality of how those other arts express themselves in cinema and the latter transmutes into the former. From advocating the aesthetic value of a moving image to more hybrid forms built on new benchmarks, cinema dwells on a constantly reciprocating relationship with other arts which takes up many forms, whether because there is tension among them and one is present in the other, or ultimately because borders are blurred. This is a research field that can count on methodological processes capable of structuring scientific discourse due to the operational possibilities of intertextuality and artistic creation’s dialogic quality.
The international meeting Cinema and other Arts will take place for the first time at Universidade da Beira Interior on 28-29 September 2017. Its main focus is to promote the debate/reflection around current issues related to the dialogue between different art forms whose point of contact is the cinema. Seeking to provide interdisciplinary and intercultural reading possibilities, researchers from several scientific areas currently engaged with these issues, albeit in different disciplinary domains or research stages, are invited to participate, especially from the areas of Film Studies, Art Studies and Cultural studies
Daniel-Henri Pageaux (1939)
Professeur émérite de Littérature générale et comparée à la Sorbonne Nouvelle/ Paris III où il a enseigné de 1975 à 2007.
Hispaniste et lusitaniste de formation (Agrégé d’espagnol, 1961, Docteur ès lettres 1975), il s’est tourné vers les littératures francophones d’Afrique noire, des Amériques et de l’Océan indien. Il est co-directeur de la Revue de Littérature comparée et membre correspondant de l’Académie des sciences de Lisbonne.
Il a publié à ce jour une trentaine d’ouvrages : des essais de critique littéraire et de littérature générale et comparée en particulier : Les Ailes des mots. Critique littéraire & poétique de la création (Paris, L’Harmattan, 1994) et L’œil en main. Pour une poétique de la médiation (Paris, Maisonneuve, 2009), des manuels de littérature comparée dont La littérature générale et comparée, Paris, Colin, 1994 (traductions en roumain, macédonien, chinois, arabe), Naissances du roman (Klincksieck, 1995, réédité en 2006, traduit en italien, Palerme, 2003), Histoire de la Littérature espagnole, Ellipses, 2002 et réédité en 2015).
Il a édité le Portugais Miguel Torga (La création du monde, Garnier/Flammarion, 1999) et L’homme pressé de Paul Morand (Romans, collection « La Pléiade », Gallimard, 2004). Un livre d’entretiens a été coordonné par Sobhi Habchi/CNRS sous le titre Les Nuits carnutes (éd. J. Maisonneuve, 1999). Trois volumes d’Hommage lui ont été offerts, coordonnés par Sobhi Habchi, sous le titre Plus Oultre I, II, III, aux éditions L’Harmattan en 2007, 2011 et 2016, respectivement consacrés à la Littérature générale et comparée, aux Littératures ibériques et à la critique littéraire et les Francophonies.
Il a également publié, sous deux pseudonymes, trois romans : deux en français (Michel Hendrel, Le sablier retourné, éd. Belfond, 1989 ; Le système décimal, éd. Belfond, 1992) et un en espagnol (León Moreno, Como fiel amante o la invención del Lazarillo, Madrid, éd. Turpin, 2012).
Derniers ouvrages publiés : Itinéraires comparatistes, 2 vol. aux éd. Jean Maisonneuve, Paris, 2014 ; Lectures indiaocéanes. Essais sur les francophonies de l’Océan Indien, éd. Jean Maisonneuve, 2016.
Paulo Filipe Monteiro
Full professor of “Communication, Arts and Culture” from the Communication Sciences Department of Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Founder and Coordinator of the Master’s degree on Performing Arts; Coordinator of the Communication and Arts branch of the PhD Programme on Communication Sciences of the said university. Professor Monteiro has been working in the following areas: drama, show, performance, cinema, Portuguese cinema, scripts for cinema and television, fiction and aesthetics. He has a PhD on Communication Sciences and an Habilitation on Drama and Performing Theories. He was a Visiting Professor at the Universities of Coimbra, Évora, Santiago de Compostela, Federal da Bahia, Federal from Maranhão, Estadual and Federal from Rio de Janeiro. From 2002 to 2006 he was Chairman of the Portuguese Script- and Playwriters Association and founded the Federation of Scriptwriters in Europe (2005) of which he is a member of the Board. In 1981, he was awarded the Joaquim de Carvalho Prize for his book "Drama and Communication" (later published in Brazil by Annablume) as well as the Revelation Prize for Play Review.
He started his activity in the theatre in 1978. In 1981, he was awarded the Revelation Prize of the Critics for his Drama em Gente. Since then, he has written and produced 16 shows. As an actor, he played a part in several plays, in ten national and international films and in 39 television movies and series. He was responsible for adapting Camilo’s The Hanged Man’s Widow, directed by Walter Avancini. He wrote the script of 8 films and a playwright called Risk Area premiered at the Gulbenkian Foundation in 1999. He has also written for dance shows. In 2010, he directed the 25-minute-long film Blind Love (which won the Córtex Festival in the same year, and was selected for the Caminhos do Cinema Português, in Coimbra, and shown at the Portuguese Film Institute in February 2011, at the Museum of Modern Art from Rio de Janeiro, and at the Shortcutz Festival); in January 2017, his first film Zeus premiered (and has already won 7 prizes in Portugal and one in Mombai).
The organization Cinema and other Arts invites the whole scientific community to the submission of original proposals that are fitted in the dynamic of the event.
The deadline for submission of proposals is May 31, 2017. Each applicant may submit only one proposal.
Papers may be presented by coauthors, provided that at least one of them is registered in the meeting.
All presentations shall last a maximum of 20 minutes, regardless of the number of coauthors.
Proposal submissions:
Please send your proposal as a Word document or PDF via email ( including the following information:
Final articles:
Work languages
Important dates
The registration in the event will have an enrollment fee in the value of 40€ for all the participants with a ccepted proposals and who wants to confirm his presence in the event.
The enrollment fee includes: material, coffee breaks, participation and a digital certificated.
Registration is required by sending an email to including the following information:
Bank transfer information:
Note: The event is opened to the whole scientific community, internal or external to the Beira Interior University. Attendance is free without any registration.
Universidade da Beira Interior
Faculdade de Artes e Letras
Departamento de Comunicação e Artes
Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama
6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal
(+351) 275 242 023 / ext. 1201
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