
Throughout the history of motion pictures we have witnessed a complex debate around the reciprocal relationship it establishes with other arts, that is mostly defined by creative efforts and experimental gestures in both domains, permeated by the dialogic quality of how those other arts express themselves in cinema and the latter transmutes into the former. From advocating the aesthetic value of a moving image to more hybrid forms built on new benchmarks, cinema dwells on a constantly reciprocating relationship with other arts which takes up many forms, whether because there is tension among them and one is present in the other, or ultimately because borders are blurred. This is a research field that can count on methodological processes capable of structuring scientific discourse due to the operational possibilities of intertextuality and artistic creation’s dialogic quality.
The international meeting Cinema and other Arts will take place for the first time at Universidade da Beira Interior on 29-30 September 2016. Its main focus is to promote the debate/reflection around current issues related to the dialogue between different art forms whose point of contact is the cinema. Seeking to provide interdisciplinary and intercultural reading possibilities, researchers from several scientific areas currently engaged with these issues, albeit in different disciplinary domains or research stages, are invited to participate, especially from the areas of Film Studies, Art Studies and Cultural studies


Thursday, 29 September, 2016

Panel 1 – Cinema e Desenhos Emergentes
Chair – António Costa Valente
9.30 - 11.00 | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Ana Isabel Albuquerque (Portugal/ Investigadora Independente) - Do cinema de animação à ilustração em “Feral”
Felipe Muanis (Brasil/ Ruhr Universität-Bochum & Universidade Federal Fluminense) - “Comics” e “cinema-vérité”: estratégias do cinema nas bandas desenhadas documentais
Ricardo Maia Pestana (Portugal/ FAUL) - A importância do “genérico” no aparecimento do Grafismo Animado
Panel 2 – Cinema e Dança
Chair – António Fatorelli
9.30 - 11.00 | Room 2.02
Catarina Barata (Portugal/ CRIA-IUL) - Directing and editing coreography: dance adaptation for the screen
Daniel Tércio (Portugal/ INET-MD & FMH-UL) – Between “Black Venus” and “a mysterious thing…”
Sérgio Bordalo e Sá (Portugal/ INET-MD & FMH-UL) - Dançando no ecrã
Panel 3 – Cinema e Fotografia
Chair – Mirian Tavares
9.30 - 11.00 | Room 2.03
Karen Gabriel (Holanda/ ISS-The Hague) - Visual Knowledges: The Scope of the Technological Eye
Alfonso Palazón Meseguer (Espanha/ FCCOM - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) - La forma en el ensayo audiovisual
Maria da Luz Correia (Portugal/ CECS-UM & UAC) - A ilusão da lente: fotografia de atrações
Panel 4 – Cinema e Filosofia
Chair – Raquel Pacheco
9.30 - 11.00 | Room 2.06
António Júlio Rebelo (Portugal/ Escola Secundária Rainha Santa Isabel & IFP-UE) - O Cinema de Majid Majidi: Bacheha - Ye aseman/ Filhos do Paraíso – Um exercício de confluência entre a Ética e a Estética
Carlos Alberto de Matos Trindade (Portugal/ ESAP) - Uma interpretação do filme “Inception”: entre os sonhos e a antiga “arte da memória”
Guy Amado (Portugal/ Colégio das Artes - UC) - The way things go: O banal transfigurado em Fischli & Weiss
11.00 – 11.30 COFFEE - BREAK
Panel 5 – Cinema e Literatura 1
Chair – Anabela Branco de Oliveira
11.30 – 13.30 | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
António Manuel Dias Costa Valente (Portugal/ UA & UTAD) - Entre dois Planos Nacionais - o reduzido cinema português e o grande espaço da literatura
Ana Catarina Pereira (Portugal/ LabCom.IFP - UBI) - Vídeo-Poema: a poesia de Sophia de Mello Breyner no filme de João César Monteiro
Catarina Neves (Portugal/ LabCom.IFP - UBI) - A interdiscursividade pessoana em “Lisbon Story”
Evangelia (Geli) Mademli (Holanda/ ASCA) - Facing the Literary Effect: Greek Modernism Between the Page and the Frame
Panel 6 – Cinema e Artes Plásticas
Chair – Nelson Araújo
11.30 – 13.30 | Room 2.02
Angela Maria Gonçalves Cardoso (Portugal/ UTAD) - ECCE CORPUS “No princípio era a imagem.”
Fátima Chinita (Portugal/ University of Linnaeus/ Labcom.IFP) - “Sculptures vivantes: Aesthetics of the Memorial in Derek Jarman’s Multimedial War Requiem” (1989)
Joana Silva (Portugal/ I2ADS - FBAUP) - A emergência do simulacro no cinema e na pintura – A relação entre Carl Dreyer e Vilhelm Hammershoi
Luís Santo Vaz (Portugal/ ESTC-IPL) – The Calling of Painting - Cinematic Adaptacion of Pictorial Styles – The Case of Vittorio Storaro and Caravaggio
Maria Irene Aparício (Portugal/ Ifilnova & AELab - FCSH-UNL) - Música, Pintura e Cinema: Notas para uma Configuração Fílmica do Valor das Artes
Panel 7 – Conjeturas artísticas
Chair – Catarina Moura
11.30 – 13.30 | Room 2.03
Jacques Lemière (França/ CLERSE, UMR 8019 CNRS - Université de Lille) - La modernité du “moment portugais” des années ’70 –’80 : confrontation du cinéma aux autres arts (littérature, peinture, théâtre, opéra) et impureté cinématographique
Nuno Faleiro Rodrigues (Portugal/ Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo -ESAP) - O cinema e a arte contemporânea em tempos de crise
Rui Filipe Torres (Portugal/ Instituto do Oriente & ISCSP -UL) - Cinema e política externa
Martina Tzvetan (Portugal/ Investigadora Independente) - Cinema em Contexto de Galeria e Museu: A Diferença Expositiva da Obra em Vídeo
Panel 8 - Paisagem, cinema e arquitetura
Chair – Rita Bastos
11.30 – 13.30 | Room 2.06
Ana Isabel Soares (Portugal/ CIAC - UAlg) - Artes múltiplas no entendimento de um artista urbano
Anderson dos Santos Paiva (Brasil/ UFRR & Universidade de Coimbra) - A estética do real nos filmes etnográficos de Catarina Costa
Joana Gouveia Alves (Portugal/ EUAC) - Arquitectura para o Cinema
Luís Nogueira (Portugal/ Labcom.IFP -UBI) - Sublime digital: a arquitetura na ficção científica
Yolanda Martínez Domingo | Josefina González Cubero | Alba Zarza Arribas (Espanha/ ETSAV - Universidad de Valladolid) - La Geometría del Centinela en “2001, a Space Odyssey”: El Paradigma de un Mito del siglo XX
13.30 - 15.00 LUNCH
15.00 PLENARY SESSION | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
João Mário Grilo - “Cinema|Pintura: Muito barulho para (quase) nada ?” | Chair - Nelson Araújo
17.00 Filme e debate com a presença do realizador - “Mission Statements: the architecture of Dutch diplomacy”, (Jord den Hollander, 2011) | Chair - Vasco Diogo | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
18.30 Book presentation Fotografia contemporânea: entre o cinema, o vídeo e as novas mídias, with Antonio Fatorelli | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
19.00 Journal presentation International Journal of Cinema, with António Costa Valente and Anabela Branco de Oliveira | Room Anfiteatro da Parada

Friday, 30 September, 2016

Panel 9 – Cinema e Literatura 2
Chair – Ana Catarina Pereira
9.30 - 11.00 | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Fátima Leonor Sopran (Brasil/ UNEB & UTAD) - “Rebecca” (Hitchcock) e “As Formigas” (Lygia Fagundes Telles): espaços de suspense
Sigridi Suzelei Alves (Brasil/ UnB) - “Rebecca” de Daphne Du Maurier e de Alfred Hitchcock: o verbal e o imagético na construção do medo em torno das personagens Senhora de Winter e Senhora Danvers
Maria do Socorro Aguiar Pontes Giove (Brasil/ UnB) - Como os desdobramentos convergem para a construção do suspense no romance “Sueurs Froides (d’entre les morts)”, de Pierre Boileau e Thomas Narcejac, e no filme “Vertigo”, de Alfred Hitchcock?
Paulo Matos (Portugal/ FLUP) - Da tela à tela: para uma leitura intermedial de “O Fado”, de José Malhoa
Panel 10 – Sonoridades no Cinema
Chair – Daniel Tércio
9.30 - 11.00 | Room 2.02
João Pedro Cachopo (Portugal/ CESEM-FCSH-UNL) - Screening Opera, Reflecting Cinema
Kathryn Bishop-Sanchez (EUA/ University of Wisconsin-Madison) - Filming Opera in the Amazon: The Performance of Cultural Imperialism and the Poetics of Invasion
Juan José Domínguez López (Espanha/ Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid) - La voz en off en el cine: usos y costumbres
Sérgio Dias Branco (Portugal/ CEIS20 - UC & IFILNOVA) - Vídeos Musicais e Planos Longos
Panel 11 – Cinema e Artes Performativas
Chair – Liliana Rosa
9.30 - 11.00 | Room 2.03
João Cristóvão Leitão (Portugal/ FBAUL) - O Palco como Tela
Karine Abadie (Canadá/ Département de langues, littératures et cultures modernes - Memorial University of Newfoundland) - À la conquête de l’art : les relations entre cinéma et théâtre dans les années 20
Maria do Rosário Lupi Bello (Portugal/ CECC - Universidade Aberta) - O cinema, arte de ‘crise’ ou de ‘desenvolvimento’? Uma reflexão e alguns exemplos
Renata Ferraz (Brasil/ CAPES & UL) - Possibilidades de coautoria entre a arte da performance e a imagem em movimento.
Panel 12 – Vanguardas Artísticas
Chair – Irene Aparício
9.30 - 11.00 | Room 2.06
Mirian Tavares (Portugal/ CIAC-UAlg) - O cinema no Expressionismo: a representação do invisível
Juliana Froehlich (Brasil/ CAPES & University of Antwerp) - Neoconcretism and modern cinema: the abstraction in color, framing and editing
Cláudia Moreira (Portugal/ UBI) - Orson Welles: O homem dos 7 Ofícios
11.00 – 11.30 COFFEE - BREAK
Panel 13 – Cinema e Literatura 3
Chair – Ana Isabel Soares
11.30 – 13.30 | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Gaspare Trapani (Portugal/ CECC - UCP) - Aqueles 67 anos: uma história siciliana entre literatura e cinema
Ramón Luque Cózar (Espanha/ Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) - Cine y literatura en Iris Murdoch: narrativa y olvido
Filomena Antunes Sobral (Portugal/ CI&DETS - ESE-IPV & CITAR - UCP) - Os Maias cinematografados: leitura colateral das (des)continuidades portuguesas
Glaura Cardoso Vale (Brasil/ UFMG) - A biblioteca circular de António Lobo Antunes e Jean-Luc Godard
Karla Bessa (Brasil/ Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero PAGU -UNICAMP) - Literatura e Cinema: Uma abordagem feminista e queer da obra de Lúcio Cardoso sob as lentes de P.C. Saraceni
Panel 14 – Problemáticas da narrativa
Chair – Luís Nogueira
11.30 – 13.30 | Room 2.02
Alfonso M. Rodríguez de Austria Giménez de Aragón (Nicarágua/ UCA) - Apuntes sobre semiótica de la narrativa audiovisual: Poética, retórica y niveles de significación.
Anderson de Souza Alves (Portugal/ UBI) - O cinema narrativo no videoclipe POP
Solange Salete Tacolini Zorzo | André Luís Gomes (Brasil/ UNB) - Do pó da terra: a criação artística de Di Moretti
Raquel Pacheco (Portugal/ CICS.NOVA) - Uma breve história do cinema antes do cinema
Panel 15 – Autoria e Produção
Chair – Maria da Luz Correia
11.30 – 13.30 | Room 2.03
Caterina Cucinotta (Portugal/ CECC -UCL) - O vestuário cinematográfico e a etnoficção portuguesa
Inês Rebanda Coelho | Nelson Zagalo (Portugal/ CECS -UM) - Autoria nas Obras Audiovisuais: Um estudo de caso da série televisiva Game of Thrones
Maria Elisa Coelho de Almeida Trindade (Portugal/ FBAUP) - Contributo dos Departamentos Artísticos no Cinema
Maria João Cortesão (Portugal/ ESMAD - IPP) - Os Adereços e os Cenários enquanto “criadores” de imagens e de afetos: Análise do “spot” de televisão da marca “EDP” 40 anos
13.30 - 15.00 LUNCH
15.00 PLENARY SESSION | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
Jord den Hollander - “Scripted Architecture” | Chair - Catarina Moura
17.00 Screening and debate with the director - “Viagem aos Confins de um Sítio onde nunca Estive”, (João Mário Grilo, 2015) | Chair - Anabela Branco de Oliveira | Room Anfiteatro da Parada
18.30 Book presentation Máquinas de imagem: em busca de outros regimes de sensibilidade, with Cesar Baio | Room Anfiteatro da Parada

Keynote Speakers


Jord den Hollander

Jord den Hollander is a Dutch architect and filmmaker. During his education as an architect at the Technical University of Delft he developed a special interest in writing and filmmaking. After getting his master degree in architecture he was educated in scriptwriting at the London Film School. During his professional career he combined both disciplines in numerous projects. His architectural work has been awarded and internationally published in magazines and books. Jord den Hollander received many international awards for his television series, films and documentaries on art and architecture. He is lecturing at the Design Academy in Eindhoven, the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam and the Film and Televison Academy in Amsterdam. In 1990 he founded the Architecture and Film Festival Rotterdam (


João Mário Grilo

(Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 1958). Studies of Economics in Coimbra, Degree in Sociology at ISCTE in Lisbon, MA, PhD and Aggregation in Communication Sciences /Cinema in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon, where he is, actually, a Full Professor, teaching a Film Directing seminar and coordinating the new PhD in Artistic Studies, the PhD in Digital Media and MA in Film/Television.
- See more at:

Call for Papers

The organization Cinema and other Arts invites the whole scientific community to the submission of original proposals that are fitted in the dynamic of the event.
The deadline for submission of proposals is June 22, 2016. Each applicant may submit only one proposal.
Papers may be presented by co­authors, provided that at least one of them is registered in the meeting.
All presentations shall last a maximum of 20 minutes, regardless of the number of co­authors.

Proposal submissions:
Please send your proposal as a Word document or PDF via email ( including the following information:

  • Author(s)
  • Institutional Affiliation
  • Title of proposal
  • Proposal for paper/presentation (not more than 500 words) plus five key­words
  • Biography of each author (not more than 150 words)

Final articles:

  • The selected final articles will be included in the event's e-Book, and published by LabCom.IFP.

  1. Author guidelines:
    • The submission is an original and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The articles, as well as the images copyright, are of the exclusive responsibility of the authors.
      Submissions in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish. will be accepted. Submission files are in Microsoft Word. Images are inserted in the text and should be uploaded as supplementary documents (JPEG, PNG or PDF format will be acepted with 300 dpi of resolution)
  2. The article should follow the style standards and bibliographic requisites described next:
    1. The article should not have more than 15 pages and should follow the next structure:
      Title of the article;
      Institution/ affiliation;
      Summary and Key-words;
      Bibliographic and Filmic references;
    2. Bibliographic and Filmic references:
      References must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) system.
      The quotes and footnotes/endnotes must follow the APA (American Psychological Association) system.
    1. Images: Images must be inserted in the body of the text. All images must have numbered captions using the following format: "Image 1: caption content" (No images will be published without caption).
    2. Formatting instructions:
      Title: Times New Roman, size 14, 1,5 space paragraph, left alignment.
      Author/ Institution: Times New Roman, size 12, 1,5 space paragraph, left alignment.
      Summary and Key-words: Times New Roman, size 10, single space paragraph, justified alignment.
      Body text: Times New Roman, size 12, 1,5 space paragraph, justified alignment.
      Footnotes/Endnotes: Times New Roman, size 10, single space paragraph, justified alignment; footnotes are marked by sequential arabic numerals.
      Quotes: Quotations over 40 or more words must be separated from the body text by a paragraph, size 10, single space paragraph, justified alignment.
      Bibliographic and filmic references: Times New Roman, size 12, single space paragraph, justified alignment.

Work languages

  • Portuguese, English, Spanish and French

Important dates

  • 15.06.2016 – Deadline for submitting proposals
  • 22.06.2016 – Deadline extension for submitting proposals
  • 10.07.2016 – Information on the selected papers
  • 31.07.2016 – Participants registration deadline
  • 05.09.2016 – Disclosure of the final programme
  • 29-30.09.2016 – Cinema and other Arts meeting
  • 25.02.2017 – Final articles submission deadline


The registration in the event will have an enrollment fee in the value of 40€ for all the participants with a ccepted proposals and who wants to confirm his presence in the event.

The enrollment fee includes: material, coffee breaks, participation and a digital certificated.

Registration is required by sending an email to including the following information:

  • Full name
  • Institutional Affiliation
  • Profession, occupation or frequented course
  • Email
  • Adress
  • Bank transfer confirmation (copy)
  • [For receipt effects please include the VAT number]

Bank transfer information:

  • IBAN PT50 0018 0003 23220304020 89

The residents abroad may also pay the registration fee during check-in procedures.

Note: The event is opened to the whole scientific community, internal or external to the Beira Interior University. Attendance is free without any registration.


Scientific Committee

  • Abílio Hernandez Cardoso
    Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Coimbra (PT)
  • Ana Isabel Soares
    Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve (PT)
  • António Costa Valente
    Departamento de Comunicação e Arte, Universidade de Aveiro | Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (PT)
  • Antonio Fatorelli
    Escola de Comunicação, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR)
  • António Preto
    Escola Superior Artística do Porto (PT)
  • Carlos Melo Ferreira
    Escola Superior Artística do Porto (PT)
  • Carmen Peña-Ardid
    Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Zaragoza (ES)
  • Daniel-Henri Pageaux
    Sorbonne Nouvelle, Université de Paris III (FR)
  • Daniel Tércio
    Instituto de Etnomusicologia | Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (PT)
  • Dietrich Neumann
    Department of the History of Art and Architecture | Urban Studies, Brown University (DE)
  • Francisco Paiva
    Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior (PT)
  • François Penz
    Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge (FR)
  • Jord den Hollander
    Fimmaker, architect and head of the Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam (NL)
  • Jorge Gorostiza
    Architect and Urban Planner, Gobierno de Canarias (ES)
  • Luís Nogueira
    Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior (PT)

  • Luís Urbano
    Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade do Porto (PT)
  • Manuel Deniz Silva
    Instituto de Etnomusicologia | Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
  • Maria Da Luz Correia
    Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Universidade do Minho | Universidade dos Açores
  • Maria do Rosário Lupi Bello
    Departamento de Humanidades, Universidade Aberta (PT)
  • Margarida Medeiros
    Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
  • Maria Irene Aparício
    Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
  • Maria João Castro
    Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
  • Mirian Tavares
    Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve (PT)
  • Paulo Serra
    Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior (PT)
  • Sérgio Guimarães de Sousa
    Instituto de Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade do Minho (PT)
  • Susana Nascimento
    Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT)
  • Susana Lourenço Marques
    Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto (PT)
  • Tito Cardoso e Cunha
    Faculdade de Artes e Letras, Universidade da Beira Interior (PT)
  • Vasco Carvalho
    Escola das Artes, Universidade Católica do Porto (PT)

Organizing Committee
  • Anabela Branco de Oliveira
    UTAD | LabCom.IFP
  • Ana Catarina Pereira
  • Catarina Moura
  • Liliana Rosa
  • Manuela Penafria
  • Nélson Araújo
  • Rita Bastos
Executive Committee
  • Mércia Pires
  • Sara Constante
  • Susana Costa
    Web Developer
  • Delfina Rodrigues
  • LabCom.IFP
    Logistic Support




Universidade da Beira Interior
Faculdade de Artes e Letras
Departamento de Comunicação e Artes
Rua Marquês D'Ávila e Bolama
6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal

(+351) 275 242 023 / ext. 1201


Useful Information

By public transport:

  • From Lisbon - train or bus (average journey time: 3:30 to 4 hours)
  • From OPorto - Bus (average journey time: 3:30 to 4 hours)

By car:

  • From Lisbon - Highways A1 and A23
  • From OPorto - Highways A1, A25 and A23
  • GPS: +40° 16' 40.31" -7° 30' 32.30"

