Primary Researcher: Francisco Paiva
Investigadora Responsável: Gisela Gonçalves
LabCom is a Communication Sciences research unit whose main purpose is to develop advanced research on communication and new media technologies, especially those underlying online and digital processes, in order to assess their impact on everyday life and understand different kinds of communication phenomena on an individual, communitarian and societal basis.
O LabCom está organizado em quatro grupos de pesquisa: Estudos dos Media, Estudos de Jornalismo, Comunicação Estratégica e Cultura, Identidade e Memória.
The most distinctive feature of LabCom is its strong online presence, with:
4 revistas online:
Eikon - Journal on Semiotics and Culture
RECENSIO - Journal of Communication and Culture Reviews
Rhêtorikê - Digital Journal of Rhetoric
2 bibliotecas online:
BOAL - Online Audio Literature Library
BOCC - Online Library of Communication Sciences
1 online publisher:
1 digital newspaper:
Urbi et Orbi - Online Journal of UBI, the Region and the Rest
1 online radio:
RUBI - Beira Interior University Radio
1 online television:
TUBI - Beira Interior University Television
3 databases in the areas of cinema and image:
Diretora da Editora Labcom