International Colloquium Life and Work of Mário Cláudio

The University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, is pleased to welcome, on 12 and November 13, 2015, the International Colloquium Life and Work of Mário Cláudio. This event, which celebrates more than 40 years of literary work of one of the most brilliant minds of contemporary Portuguese culture, continuing another smaller event held on April 12, 2013 on BMEL, Guard, is organized by Carla Sofia Luís Alexandre Luís, Miguel Real, André Barata, Martinho Soares, Gabriel Magalhães and has the support of the Department of Letters of UBI, LabCom.IFP Research Center, as well as the CLEPUL. This initiative, in addition to the honoured writer himself, will be attended by some of the foremost experts of claudian work (from several universities of Portugal, Brazil, France and Italy) and will include the release of the books Mário Cláudio e a Portugalidade(coordination of Carla Sofia Luís, Alexandre Luís and Miguel Real) and Astronomy, fictional autobiography by Mário Cláudio, a small exposition on the life and work of the writer, the showing of the documentary film about Tocata para Dois Clarinsand finally a point of sale of books.

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
União Europeia
Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional
Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade
Universidade da Beira Interior
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