Call For Papers: Contemporary Magazine

Contemporary Magazine
Edition December 2011 - "Communication and Politics"

Editor in chief - Wilson Gomes

The last two decades witnessed changes that mark, in a substantial way, the relationship between media and the political arena. The incorporation of new technologies like the Internet in election campaigns and civic participation movements; the use of social media for mobilization and civic engagement; the global network activism; the debate on national policies for communication and new (de)regulatory models for this sector in Brazil and other countries; tensions between media coverage and the various political actors are among the issues that emerge in this scenario. Contemporary opens a call for papers for a special edition on these topics. The goal is to provide a current and advanced view on new elements and changes in this context, producing cutting-edge discussions contributing to understand the dynamics, trends and horizons in this field of study. Thus, the special edition will be guided by five themes, namely: (1) media and elections, (2) Internet and politics (3) journalism and democracy, (4) communication and civil society, (5) public policy communication.

Open for more information

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
União Europeia
Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional
Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade
Universidade da Beira Interior
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