The Publisher
LabCom Books is a university-based, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary publishing house that publishes online scientific books in the fields of Communication Sciences and the Arts, as well as works that bridge the gap between these two areas.
Since its creation in 2006, the publishing house has published around 250 works, mostly by national and Brazilian authors. Aimed at the universal dissemination of science and knowledge, Livros LabCom publishes open-access electronic books in Portuguese, English and other languages, while also supplying paper copies through its online ordering service.
LabCom Books welcomes proposals from both experienced scholars who want their texts to circulate freely and young researchers whose scientific work could be relevant and innovative. Proposals are evaluated by the Editorial Committee according to subject and scientific area.
Encorajamos vivamente propostas de autores de abordagens transdisciplinares no amplo domínio das Ciências da Comunicação e Ciências Sociais, ou propostas relacionadas mais concretamente com áreas específicas do campo das Ciências da Comunicação.
Os autores podem enviar propostas para a diretora da Livros LabCom.
Director: Gisela Gonçalves (gisela.goncalves@labcom.ubi.
Order Books
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