by João Carlos Correia e Rousiley C. Maia (Orgs.)
Collection: LabCom Books
Year of edition: 2011
ISBN: 978-989-654-082-1
Price of the print edition: € 15
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Public Sphere Reconsidered: theories and practices is a book that compiles two-day conference, which took place on 19 and 20 May 2011 at University of Beira Interior in Covilhã, Portugal, where the concept of public sphere was analyzed and debated by international recognized experts and researchers from around the world.
From the most exciting texts about the idea of public sphere to the relations between journalism, ICTs, rhetoric and public sphere, this book presents texts with a cross-disciplinary approach and a comparative methodology regarding different related issues and new tools of communication.
Public Sphere Reconsidered: theories and practices will be useful to students in media and communication studies, and European studies, as well as for those studying sociology and political science.
Forward por João Carlos Correia 1
Campanhas Online, Participação Política e Esfera Pública: O Caso do Plano de Governo Colaborativo nas Eleições Brasileiras de 2010 por Camilo Aggio, Jamil Marques, Rafael Sampaio 3
The globalization-friendly global public sphere: contrasting paths to moral legitimacy and accountability por Catherine Fleming Bruce 23
The Meanings of Public Sphere: is there any democratic role for Internet? por João Carlos Correia 37
Access to the Public Sphere and the Identity of the Subject of the French Nation por Marion Dalibert 51
Conectados e tutelados. Uma revisitação tecnológica da esfera pública por António Fidalgo 65
Young adults' involvement in the public sphere: A comparative international study por Micheline Frenette, Marie-France Vermette 73
Speaking Poetry to Power por Anthea Garman 91
Community media and public accountability por Manuela Grünangerl 107
ICT and local public sphere in Poland and Norway por Ilona Biernacka-Ligieza 119
Expanding the mass media role for the functioning of the political public sphere por Rousiley C. M. Maia 143
The Principle of Publicity. A socio-anthropological perspective por Samuel Mateus 155
Between EUphoria and EU-phobia: The European elections 2009 in British and German quality newspapers por Hannah Middendorf 169
Opinião Pública, média e líderes de opinião: um estudo exploratório sobre a influência dos média e dos líderes de opinião na formação da Opinião Pública por Miguel Midões 189
Radiodifusão, Jornalismo e Esfera Pública. O debate em torno da criação da Empresa Brasil de Comunicação na imprensa por Edna Miola 201
New Technologies and Deliberation: Internet as a virtual public sphere or a democratic utopia? por Ricardo Morais 217
Babelisation of mediated debate, public deliberation through the press and emerging democracies of Southern Africa: the case of Zambia por Pascal Mwale 231
Visibilidade em detrimento da interactividade. O Twitter nas recentes eleições presidenciais de Portugal e do Brasil por Rui Alexandre Novais, Viviane Araújo 255
A public sphere without public(s)? Publics and counterpublics in postFordist capitalism. por Jernej Prodnik 273
Deliberação na esfera pública em tempos de comunicação e sociedade de massa. Possibilidades de integração entre deliberações ampliadas e deliberações restritas. por Rafael Sampaio, Samuel A. Rocha Barros 289
Blogosfera como esfera pública alternativa? por Elsa Costa e Silva 301
Just “Like” it and “Join”. Facebook and the European cultural public sphere por Ancuta-Gabriela Tarta 313